How to generate leads 24/7 using the marketing strategy of top global brands.
Connect and convert in your local market with social media, video, and attraction based marketing—giving you the edge over top producers.
Secrets from top producers nationwide on what’s working NOW to stand out and win more business.
How to win 98% of your listing presentations with our unbeatable system.
The essential mindset shift that makes you the go-to real estate authority.
A content engine strategy to eliminate income inconsistency forever.
How to ditch outdated tactics and start getting powerful ROI with modern marketing.
The real estate industry has changed drastically in the last 3 years.
This is no secret. And changes will keep happening faster than ever.
Do you feel prepared to be at the top of your market in 2025?
Top 1% Real Estate Agent and Coach
Dear future Top Producer,
Let’s be honest—the old ways of doing real estate no longer work. Cold calls, door-knocking, and relying solely on referrals are a thing of the past.
Why? Because today’s clients expect more. They are more sophisticated and have all the information they need at the tip of their fingers.
So they are wondering if real estate agents are
stillnecessary. If we are relevant in today's digital world.
They don't want a sales person anymore.
They want a relationship. They want to TRUST the person who will guide them through one of their biggest life decisions.
They demand expertise and a strong digital presence.
Here’s the good news: If you decide to adapt, you will not just survive but dominate. However, if you refuse to evolve, you will most likely disappear.
And before I go any deeper, let me clear the air here...
YES. The industry is getting more competitive than ever...
YES. new regulations, low inventory and interest rates are making the process of getting new clients more complex......
And YES, changes will keep happening probably at a faster pace...
The answer is simple (not easy though): You embrace a new identity.
You're not JUST a real estate agent anymore. You are a marketer. You are an educator. You are a brand.
People want to work with someone they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.
And you need to build that trust BEFORE you meet them.... AND BEFORE they are ready to buy or sell.
This is what I've been teaching for more than 5 years NOW.
And this is exactly what you'll learn when you join my Top Listing Agent 3-Day Virtual Event.
So if you are ready to boost your real estate business and take it to the next level...
Real Estate Is Entrepreneurship
You're Not Just An Agent, You Must Become An Expert Digital Marketer
How To Create A Personal Brand That Can Not Be Compared To The Competition & Get More Sellers To Say Yes
Lead Generation Without Zillow, Or Other Money-Draining Tactics
Perception Is Reality; Reveal Exactly What You Can Do To Get Started Today To Become The Go-To Expert... Even If You Have NEVER Sold A House, Or It's Been A While Since You've Felt On Top
Qualified Leads That WANT To Work With You And Understand The Value You Bring To The Table So You Can STOP Convincing Them You're Worthy Of A Commission
My Ultimate Secret Weapon For Winning Listings... Even BEFORE I Arrive To The Appointment... See How My Whole Listing System Can Come Together For You, So You Walk Out With Listing Agreements
Unpack The Ultimate Listing Leave Behind - My CMA & Seller's Box, Complete With How To Become An Expert Author And All The Necessities To Win Trust, Credibility And The Listing...
Showcase Your Expertise By Building Neighborhood Funnels & Ads Strategy
Implementing the right systems and processes to follow-up with leads over and over again (while you sleep)
Take everything you've learned in the first couple of days and figure out how to apply it ASAP to get results quickly.
Learn the processes to keep momentum up, even when the training is finished (so you keep up progress and achieve what you want to achieve)
Top Producers Share What's Winning Listings & Clients RIGHT NOW And How They're Standing Out From The Competition
The Final Verdict... Are You A Real Estate Salesperson or Consultant? Actually... It's Something Else Entirely
Unlock BONUS Gifts, Trainings & Resources To Help You Become The TOP LISTING AGENT In Your Market
Still uses traditional methods to get leads and listings (cold-calling, door-knocking, open houses)
Focuses on leads and sales (transactions)
Seen as a commodity and competing on price
Does things "by the book" and doesn't stand-out
Follows-up once or twice with prospects and has no system to do it
Afraid of using technology and social media to grow the business
Comes up as transactional, salesy and pushy. Prioritizes selling over building relationships
Leverages new tools and develops new skills to generate leads and sales
Focuses on the whole sales cycle
Seen as an authority and an expert
Stands out and attracts customers
Has systems and processes in place to follow-up with customers over and over again
Uses technology, social media, video, and AI to grow the business
Builds the KNOW-LIKE-TRUST factor and fosters long-term relationships with customers
Over 15 Hours of Coaching - Experience High-Level Training Normally Reserved For MY Elite & Mastery Clients ($6997 Value)
Detailed & Customizable Mastery Class Workbook & Implementation Blueprint - Use Your 3-Day Mastery Course Workbook To Create Your Immediate Business Action Plan ($984 Value)
Private Top Listing Agent Facebook Community - Access additional resources, videos, event recordings (limited time only), brainstorm & connect with agents & lenders nationwide, mingle with the coaching & support team throughout your Unstoppable Event Experience ($627 Value)
BONUS 1: Event Ticket For A Partner or Colleague ($97 Value)
BONUS 2: My Latest Best-Selling Book Top Producer Secrets
($24 Value)
Make sure you let us know the best address to send it.
Reach thousands (and even hundreds of thousands) of people in your community with our full social media & online LOCAL digital marketing strategy.
Leverage binge-worthy content & automations in your video & digital marketing to put you in front of your community EVEN WHEN YOU SLEEP - so leads will KNOW YOU, LIKE YOU and TRUST YOU which means they will convert into raving clients.
It works for ANY AGENT in EVERY MARKET - listen to Top Producers share their most successful strategies and answer your Q+As so you can start customizing your own strategies & ideas that are successful in today's market across the nation, so you can replicate what's working into your very own million dollar real estate & lending business!
Are you willing to make a necessary pivot in your biz, by implementing proven marketing strategies from a top 1% agent, who has mastered not only real estate marketing, but expert-level entrepreneurship online ($37M+ in just over 4 years)?
Who you learn from matters.
And this is exactly why I’ve built this brand new masterclass because I have proven tools, tactics, and strategies that will completely revolutionize your name in your market as THE EXPERT LISTING AGENT.
This training is your key to unlocking high-quality leads that turn into listings and closings consistently.
Well you don't if're thriving & successfully accomplishing every single one of your goals in every aspect of your life ...or if you feel completely fulfilled ...and if you've reached unshakeable, market-proof level of success in your real estate business ...and if are doing more business than you can even handle.
But if that's not 100% true, then trust me for just 3-days and unlock next level strategies and a-ha's in my Top Listing Agent Mastery Class.
It’s not common nowadays that agents, or brokers share the secrets that are actually working for them... and even LESS likely that you’ll find proven, verifiable insights from a top producing LISTING AGENT, who’s worked with sellers consistently no matter the market conditions.
…Yet that’s exactly what I’m going to reveal.
Anxious or uncertain about how you’ll stay relevant through the next months or years as the market shifts, to pay your bills and safeguard your family
Struggling to stand out, still competing with a lot of agents and making it impossible to get new listings or clients at a full commission
Working longer, more frantic days, filled with stressful hours and other people's emergencies, trying to figure out how to manage your business without any effective system in place to save you time and money
Frustrated by uncertain, indecisive homeowners and buyers who are aren't valuing your expertise, your recommendations or advice because they're convinced you're just another agent looking to make a quick commission
Krista Mashore is in the top 1% of coaches nationwide and has been a Top 1% real estate agent for 20 years.
Krista is the author of five best-selling books focusing on digital marketing and was named Yahoo Finance’s number 1 digital marketer to watch in 2021!
She can also be found among the top 125 most impactful leaders in 2022 alongside Tony Robbins according to Success Magazine. Her company is one of Inc 5000's fastest growing companies in America in 2023. She has been featured in Forbes, Inman News, The Wall Street Journal, NBC, Fox, and many more! Krista recently went from zero to 53 million dollars in just six years.
She is the recipient of 11 Two Comma-Club Awards, 2 Two Comma Club X Award, and 1 Two Comma Club C Award.
Krista has a masters degree in curriculum and instruction. Always being a teacher at heart, she loves serving people and has turned her attention to sharing the secrets of her successes by coaching agents and professionals across the nation with this event!
Through her coaching, teaching, speaking and training, Krista is revolutionizing the way agents and professionals market themselves online. She offers an innovative step-by-step approach on how agents and entrepreneurs can gain a massive digital footprint.
You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't want MORE out of your life - consistency, influence, success, money, impact…
I believe starting here is the absolute best path to achieving it.
I've put my heart, my expertise and my entire team into creating this BRAND NEW MASTERY CLASS!
If you've been in this industry for more than two years, you are aware of the massive changes that have happened in a short period of time... and guess what?
...Changes will keep happening!
...It has never been so important to upgrade your skills, learn how to build a strong online presence and stand out from the growing competition.
You need this now more than ever if you want to stay relevant in the upcoming years.
Yes, Krista will be doing the majority of the coaching and training.
If you're already doing real estate and want to see an increase in your business, this is for you.
If you're brand new and want to discover the correct ways to market yourself, and appear as though you've been doing real estate for years, this is for you.
If you're looking to get amped up, or you need help figuring out where to start, or you just want to discover how to use social media and video to start attracting business this is for you.
My strategy works for agents & lenders looking for a way to stand out in their market... agents & lenders who need momentum in their business, who might be doing good but want more, and even experienced agents & lenders looking for a competitive advantage to dominate their area.
Absolutely not! The strategies you'll learn can be applied by any agent despite experience, age or tech skills.
We've had students from all over the country with every possible background and different market conditions apply them successfully.
This is a virtual event happening on Zoom.
You can watch the whole event from the comfort of your home (or your office). Make sure you clear your schedule and attend all the sessions because the information you'll learn will change your real estate business forever.
You will learn how to use social media, video and digital marketing to be the top listing agent in your market.
This is not theory I learned somewhere. These are the strategies I used to sell more than 2,300 homes during my real estate career and my students are using to become top producers TODAY.
Each one of the three sessions starts at 8:00AM PST (11:00AM EST) and finishes at 1:00PM PST (4:00PM EST). Make sure to have a snack and water with you so you don't miss any important information
You need to have a device (personal computer, laptop or tablet) with a stable internet connection, access to Zoom and Facebook.
Krista loves to connect with fellow agents so make sure you are camera ready and have your camera on during the sessions!
Just click the button below, fill in your contact and payment details and we'll take care of the rest. :)
You will receive email and SMS reminders before the event.
Email providers have different policies so there's a chance that our emails land on your promo or spam folders. Please make sure you look there too so you don't miss any important information.
The SMS messages we send you have important information about your ticket and bonuses. We want to make sure you get all the benefits that come with your admission.
You need to submit a form with their contact information (First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone) and we will add them to our notifications. We will send the form to your email.
Please let them know so they are also aware of our email notifications.
I created a special members' area for all attendees. You will receive an email with instructions to access the area and your bonuses.
Yes, you will have access to the replay inside our Facebook Group for 3 additional days. However, agents who have the best results are those who show up, watch the whole event and, most important, implement what they learn.
- Over 15 Hours of Coaching - Experience High-Level Training Normally Reserved For MY Elite & Mastery Clients. ($6997 Value)
- Detailed & Customizable Mastery Class Workbook & Implementation Blueprint - Use Your 3-Day Mastery Course Workbook To Create Your Immediate Business Action Plan ($984 Value)
- Private Top Listing Agent Facebook Community - Access additional resources, videos, event recordings (limited time only), brainstorm & connect with agents & lenders nationwide, mingle with the coaching & support team throughout your Event Experience ($627 Value)
- BONUS 1: Event Ticket For A Partner or Colleague ($97 Value)
- BONUS 2: My Latest Best-Selling Book Top Producer Secrets ($24 Value)